Arvesta consists of 3 expertise domains with a total of more than 40 brands.

Farmers and horticulturists are real entrepreneurs who have to be resilient in a global market. And this is exactly where Arvesta plays an important role. We support our customers by providing innovative solutions that make a difference to them. By creating synergies between our different strong brands, we are a full supplier that offers advice and solutions.

Discover our expertise, innovations and strong brands within each domain.

Animal Nutrition

At Arvesta no animal is forgotten. Thanks to all our strong brands in pet food everyone can find the right product for their animals. From professional livestock farmers to zookeepers and hobbyists. Our experts know what is right and work with the customers to find the ideal menu for their animals. Besides the pure feed activities, we are also strongly active in feed additives through Aveve Biochem and Palital.

Agriculture and horticulture

Arvesta assists the agricultural and horticultural farmer throughout the harvesting process: from the seeds, fertilizers and crop protection to the storage and purchase of grain and other crops. Each of our strong brands is specialized in one or more links. So our customers can always rely on real expertise.


With our Retail Business Unit we bring quality products, straight from the farmer, to the consumer. In our 200 Aveve stores, of which 50 are owned by Arvesta and over 200 are franchise stores, Belgians can buy all kinds of garden products, everything for their pets and country delicacies. With the slogan "where pleasure grows", Aveve offers its customers inspiration to do things themselves at home.