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How can animal feeds reduce CO2 emissions?

With Euroclim cattle feed, farmers produce the most tasty piece of meat at the lowest possible carbon footprint. The feed reduces methane emissions in beef cattle by up to 32% and in dairy cattle by up to 9%.

Arvesta’s ambition

One of Arvesta's broader ambitions is to help our partners reduce greenhouse gases. The goal is to move towards a complete set of measures that allows the farmer to produce as sustainable as possible. Today we are already doing that through two concepts, Euroclim and Haspargit. A third concept on carbon farming is in full development and other innovative greenhouse gas saving solutions will follow. With such innovative solutions, Arvesta achieves more than just gains in terms of CO2 emissions, we support the farmer in marketing sustainable and profitable products with added value for the consumer.

How can animal feeds reduce CO2 emissions?

With Euroclim cattle feed, farmers produce the most tasty piece of meat at the lowest possible carbon footprint. The feed reduces methane emissions in beef cattle by up to 32% and in dairy cattle by up to 9%.

Methane is a greenhouse gas of which livestock farming is the main source: the digestive process of ruminants produces methane that the animals send into the atmosphere. Methane's share of greenhouse gases may only be 6% and Belgian agriculture and horticulture may be responsible for "only" 11% of greenhouse gases in our country, but any reduction has a major impact.

"That's why methane reduction is an absolute priority for Arvesta. Our Euroclim feed boasts a reduction in methane emissions in beef cattle by up to 32% and in dairy cattle by up to 9%. By 2025 we ambition that at least 50% of Arvesta’s customers in Flanders will feed their dairy cattle with a methane-reducing feed or additive. If all meat and dairy cattle in Belgium are fed with Euroclim feed, this would mean a gain of 225,000 tons of CO2, equivalent to the annual carbon emissions of 130,000 cars."

Evy Jacobs - Sales Manager Animal Nutrition

"We are proud that with Euroclim Arvesta chooses to be the first in the market to release a feed that not only contributes to the Flemish Covenant for Enteric Emissions Bovine and a profitable story for the farmer, but dares to go further. With Euroclim we have the ambition that feed (for animals) compete as little as possible with food (for people)and by using only European raw materials we aim to completely stop the deforestation of the Amazon forest and its negative impact on the environment, a contribution that can reduce up to 5 times more greenhouse gases."

Quinten De Witte - Innovatie & Sustainability Manager

Arvesta’s ambition

One of Arvesta's broader ambitions is to help our partners reduce greenhouse gases. The goal is to move towards a complete set of measures that allows the farmer to produce as sustainable as possible. Today we are already doing that through two concepts, Euroclim and Haspargit. A third concept on carbon farming is in full development and other innovative greenhouse gas saving solutions will follow. With such innovative solutions, Arvesta achieves more than just gains in terms of CO2 emissions, we support the farmer in marketing sustainable and profitable products with added value for the consumer.