
What do we want to achieve at Arvesta by focusing on carbon farming?

The ambition is to emit and/or store 120,000 tons less CO2 in this way by 2025. Arvesta is currently working on getting the system of carbon credits certified in collaboration with a number of other European agricultural cooperatives.

Arvesta's ambition

One of Arvesta's broader ambitions is to help our partners reduce greenhouse gases. The goal is to move towards a complete set of measures that allows the farmer to produce as sustainable as possible. Today we are already doing that through two concepts, Euroclim and Haspargit. A third concept on carbon farming is in full development and other innovative greenhouse gas saving solutions will follow. With such innovative solutions, Arvesta achieves more than just gains in terms of CO2 emissions, we support the farmer in bringing sustainable and profitable products with added value for the consumer onto the market.

More info about our ambitions, mission and sustainability take a look at the Arvesta activity report here.

What do we want to achieve at Arvesta by focusing on carbon farming?

The ambition is to emit and/or store 120,000 tons less CO2 in this way by 2025. Arvesta is currently working on getting the system of carbon credits certified in collaboration with a number of other European agricultural cooperatives.

Farmers can actuallyhelp to control CO2 emissions in two ways:

  1. Investing in emitting less CO2 with their activities

  2. Storing more CO2 with the help of carbon farming

Carbon farming are farming practices that contribute to this. How is CO2 stored ?

Carbon farming infograph

The role that Arvesta wants to play here is crucial, namely: building a certified traceability system that measures the efforts the farmer does to reduce greenhouse gases and rewards him with carbon credits, which can then be commercialized by Arvesta on a large scale.

In that way, greenhouse gas-efficient operations can be an additional source of income for the farmer. Furthermore, many of these practices also contribute to long-term soil improvement, resulting in gains on multiple fronts.

Arvesta's ambition

One of Arvesta's broader ambitions is to help our partners reduce greenhouse gases. The goal is to move towards a complete set of measures that allows the farmer to produce as sustainable as possible. Today we are already doing that through two concepts, Euroclim and Haspargit. A third concept on carbon farming is in full development and other innovative greenhouse gas saving solutions will follow. With such innovative solutions, Arvesta achieves more than just gains in terms of CO2 emissions, we support the farmer in bringing sustainable and profitable products with added value for the consumer onto the market.

More info about our ambitions, mission and sustainability take a look at the Arvesta activity report here.